Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is the New Black Panther Party Racist?

Malik Shabazz, the head of the New Black Panther Party, is defending his organization against accusations that it is racist against white people. This comes after a voter intimidation case against Black Panther members from the 2008 election returned to the spotlight this month, all amid accusations that race played a factor in the Justice Department abandoning the case. Shabazz says the organization is focused on civil rights, not racial attacks. He said this while grabbing an elderly white woman in a headlock and beating her repeatedly in the face with a Jim Crowbar.

The accusations also comes after a video showing King Shaber Shabaz (who gives their children names like this?) stated that White "Krackers" should be killed, along with their "Kracker Babies!"

The Department Of Justice, led by Eric Holder, dropped the case. Holder then resigned from the DOJ, joined the New Black Panthers, and changed his name to Butcher Whitie. He later declared war on White America.

Klu Klux Klan head, Joe 'Bubba' Mitiwite, has Twittered that he has invite the Black Panthers to Alabama to have it out in a no-holds barred, fight to the finish. So far, no word if the Black Panthers will accept the invitation to the smack-down.

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