Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Curious Urinal - Special Edition - Saturday 6/8/2013


This is Lance Corporal Willie Little and his bride,  Laverne Bigerenahaus, The two were wed yesterday evening by the shores of Stinkin' Creek. The couple plans to honeymoon at IHOP before Lance Corporal Little ships off to Afghanistan Forever.
Petrov and Ivana Sucuov from Russia, now residents of Buzzardbait, celebrated their 25 anniversary Wednesday by playing the old Russian game, Hide the Kielbasa. Both were gold medalists in team synchronized inhaling at the 1988 Winter Olympics in  Lake Nuisance.

Celebrating their 89th wedding anniversary are Maude and Claude Klawsternewsonenski of Hooter Heights. Maude was the former Madam of Hooter Heights first cathouse, Casa de Kitty. Claude, was the bouncer and bartender there. You can still tell these two are hot for each other after all thse years.

And these two lovebirds are Tiffany and Butch McKlutz of Beaver Bush, KY. The married last Tuesday at Buzzardbait Park and Waste Treatment Plant. Unfortunately, during their honeymoon, Tiffany reported her husband missing after sex. They found him twelve hours later during exploratory surgery on Mrs McKlutz after complaining about painful rectal itch. Both are recovering at Buzzardbait Hospital and Lawn Center. 

This Special Edition of The Curious Urinal has been brought to you by -


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Yeah, that's it. 
It's Something!