Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Curious Urinal - Buzzardbait, Ky USA

Welcome to The Curious Urinal.
This blog is basically for those of you that likes your news a bit tainted; slightly skewed, or just plain goofy. I will be discussing current affairs (BEWARE OF RANT ALERTS) and other "Local" news items with a twist of humor thrown in for good measure. For those folks that already know me, they will understand my humor right off the bat. For everyone else, you may have to get used to it. My humor is twisted (to say the least), but my intentions are not only to make you laugh, but make you think a little too.
Also, from time to time, I will run commercial parodies and also a continuing saga or two on these pages.
So sit back, buckle up, and let's have some fun!