Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Curious Urinal - 11-26-14 - Early Morning Edition

Buzzardbaitapalooza coming to town on Thanksgiving Night.

By staff Reporter Nemo Cash

Once you've had your turkey and dressing, a heaping helping of mashed potatoes, and a slice of Tobacco-flavored cumquat pie, why not mosey on down to the Strike and Suds for some 9-Pin Tap and some great music.


Last year, nearly 60 people crammed into the Strike and Suds Lounge for the show. This year, the owner - Herman Horchucker - has promised that more chairs will be added in order to help those folks who have one too many beers to rest and enjoy the show. And this year, splatter-proof vomit bags will be passed out. It took three days of cleaning to get rid of the regurgitated beer and pork rinds from last year's show. Also, a case of air freshener was used to squelch the pungent aroma. This year, the lounge will pass out the vomit bags in order to keep from repeating that nightmare scenario.


Buzzardbaitapalooza is back, and this year on Thanksgiving Night. The musical lineup is only surpassed by the beer prices.


Slated to appear this year are returning favorites and local acts--- one that had gone into semi-retirement.


First up is Tarnished Plastic - The quintessential 70's acid rock band had the super hit, 'Pickin' The Fuzz from Betwitched My Toes Over You.' They never topped that success, and rightly so.


Also, the heavy metal band, Peter Pimple and The Zits are returning after a line-up change. Peter Pimple, the lead singer, and Too-Small Johnny, the bassist, are the last surviving members of the once notable band. Last year, while performing at the Squeaky Springs Nursing Home's annual Rockin' Bedpan Days, three of the original members took some bad Geritol and ended up dead in their motel room. But Peter Pimple and The Zits lives on with new members, Drummer Mickey Glickman, Guitarist Dusty Schickengruber, and Keyboardist Tommy 'Three Fingers' Tomason. All three were formally members of 'Boogers on Toast in a Prune Sauce,' the San Francisco acid rock band known for their high-energy stage show. Now in their late fifties, they bring the energy of someone twice their age to the stage. Considering Peter Pimple is now in his late 70's, they will add much to the show.


Sami Shagnasty and The Naked Molecats, fresh out of semi-retirement, are promoting their new CD, 'Oh La Oui, I Gotta Go Pee.' Sami Shagnasty, who nearly suffered a career-ending injury to her left ear lobe in a tragic blender accident, is back singing almost as good as she ever has, which compared to most singers currently on the road isn't that great. But she never disappoints the crowd when she has a wardrobe malfunction and her size 66 JJJ breasts come bouncing out. Much of the time now, they don't bounce out as much as they flop straight to the floor, but it still drives the crowd crazy.


Mangled Baby Ducks, who were nearly driven into poverty by their tour bus, have returned to the road. The members of the 1980's punk rock band are still as controversial as ever. Last month, drummer Keith 'Bones' Meloney, was charged with aggravated assault on a mannequin in a Milwaukee Sheets and Shit. On probation, Meloney promised the court that he would not assault any mannequin's while on tour, which did away with much of their stageshow. 


Fester Bestertester and His All Tuba Band are making their first appearance in Buzzardbait. A 14-piece tuba band isn't all that impressive an act, but they were willing to work for gas money and free beer.


And speaking of Beer, Schitt's Brewery is once again the major sponsor of Buzzardbaitapalooza . The other sponsor, Dingleberry Wine, will bring out the night's headliner. 


Buzzardbait's own, Milo Days, will once again headline the show, playing his brand of blues. Last year, if you'll recall, Milo Days drank so much Dingleberry Wine that he had to be carried off the stage by paramedics. 


This year, Milo promises he'll be in better shape and perform a full 45 minutes before passing out, unlike the 22 minutes he barely managed last year.


Tickets are on sale now. $7.50 in advance, $5.50 day of show.


So, if you want to hear some great music, or bowl and drink beer, Make your way to the Strike and Suds Thanksgiving night for Buzzardbaitapalooza. The Bowling Alley is conveniently located at 5th and Main in Beautiful Downtown Buzzardbait, next to Greasy Louie's House of Mostly Pancakes.



This edition of The Curious Urinal was brought to you by the following sponsor:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Curious Urinal - Late Edition - 9/21/2014

Local Establishment Fights To Stay Open

By Staff Reporter Willie Whanker

Long before there was a Hooter Heights Chamber of Commerce, there was Big Al's Titty Emporium. The local nightspot has been around longer than most of the fast food restaurants, car washes and a few of the churches in downtown Hooter Heights. However, like many other small businesses, Big Al is seeing less and less business coming through the doors.

"It's sad to think that the economy is so bad that the drunks can't afford to drink anymore." Big Al said as he made a whiskey and cola for one of his girls after she had performed a pole dance for three truck drivers on a Tuesday afternoon. "Normally this place is packed from open to close," Al lamented. "But lately, this is as crowded as it gets in here."

All the dancers at Big Al's Titty Emporium have felt the pinch as well. Candy Butterthong, who has been a dancer at the night club since 1974 was recently laid off; a victim of hard times in the entertainment industry. She is now wondering how she'll manage to pay her bills now that she has lost her job.

"You know, I'm 56 years old and was making a good living as an exotic dancer. The lap dances alone paid for three kids to go to college. But since they can't find jobs either, they all moved back home. Now I suppose we'll have to resort to working at Big Dick's Hot Dog Stand until the economy gets better.

Meanwhile, back at the Emporium, Big Al has cut back on other services at the night spot. "I had two titty trucks running at any given time... hauling salesmen from the hotels, and drunks back and forth. Now, I had to sell one of the trucks just to pay the electric bill last month. Do you know how hard it was to sell that truck? I mean, there isn't much call for a pink van with flashing hooters on the roof! Man, I hate that too!"

But, Big Al is also an optimist. "As soon as things get better, I see the old Emporium rebounding from this economic nightmare. We just have to hold on until the goofballs in Washington get voted out and some new goofballs get voted in!"

We here at The Curious Urinal feel the same way.

This edition of The Curious Urinal is brought to you by:

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Assorted Behavior Disorders

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Chronic Knee-jerk Reactions

Bed Wetting


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Cross Dressing

An Uncontrollable Urge to Pull Out Your Eyeballs

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Some people have reported:

Anal Leakage

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The Urge to Hit Yourself in the Groin with a Baseball Bat

Utter Depression

Lack of Sexual Satisfaction

Bloody Stools

Hairy Tongue

Anal Warts

Unusual Hair Loss

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The Sudden Desire to Stick Your Head Inside a Church Bell

A Bizarre Penchant for Buggery.

Also the following side effects have been reported:

MGDS (Male Genitalia Denotative Syndrome)

Explosive Diarrhea

Genital Warts

Blood Shooting from the Anus, Ears and/or Armpits

Complete and Sudden Death

Dry Mouth.

Consult your doctor to see if Corpsedia is right for you.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I have to tell you a story. It's not a pretty story, but it's mostly true. The names have been changed to protect my ass from any future law suits.

Talk about being at the right place at the wrong time. A lady friend and I decided to stop in for Karaoke Night at the Buzzardbait Pool Hall and Pub. Seeing most every Saturday night is a busy night there, we decided to play a few games of pool and then we'd vacate the place before the singing got really awful. As we walked inside the place, we took note that it was a packed house. At least thirty or so patrons were huddled around the bar, seated at the tables, or just passing the time shooting some pool and taking in the karaoke singing (some people actually enjoy that). Of course, all of them were drinking beer. A typical Saturday night in Buzzardbait.

Saturday Night Karaoke is a weekly event that's sponsored by Schitts Beer (locally brewed and bottled). It's usually a fun time. There you'll find drunk men in ball caps, dancing with themselves as they urinate in their grease-covered jeans. And then there are the drunk women, dressed in their finest tee shirts or tube tops, getting up in front of the drunken crowd, singing (or attempting to anyway) in hopes of getting one of the dancing drunk, piss-soaked men to notice them.

Every week since it started, the contest has been won by Thelma Buktoof of Poon Point. She's actually a decent singer, especially when the crowd is drunk. Thelma normally gives a great rendition of Tammy Whynott's 'Slip It Past Your Man' or Loretta Lenski's 'Don't Come Home A Drinkin' With Tuna On Your Breath.' But this past Saturday night, her choice of songs left the crowd a teensy bit bewildered. She chose to sing a 'Stung' song from the Cops last album, Zenbutta Yo Mudda, entitled: 'I'll Be Stalking You!'

The song itself wasn't too bad, but since Mrs. Buktoof has deeply inset bug eyes, she resembled a rabid squirrel in heat as she sang. It was obvious that her vocal talents were not up to snuff that night, as her voice was ravaged by drinking too many Schitts beers and chain-smoking non-filtered  Lucky's. As the song went on, several of the drunk men began projectile vomiting on the dance floor. If that wasn't bad enough, the women began throwing beer bottles toward the chicken wire partition (ala the first Blues Brothers Movie).

Aside for having to dodge some stray glass and the occasional corn-chunks, my friend and I continued playing some 9 ball, all the while trying to ignore the ruckus. The sickening sweet aroma of regurgitated beer and pork rinds would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon, but since my allergies were acting up, it didn't bother me as much as you'd think.

The bottle tossing soon turned into boos and hisses from the women... And that was when the real trouble started. A fight quickly ensued.

Phillip Douschbagger, the owner of the Buzzardbait Pool Hall portion of the business, was hunched over the counter, vomiting violently as the melee began. That was when his wife, Vickie Douschbagger (owner of the pub side of the business) decided to repeatedly hit him in the head with a broken Schitts Beer bottle (I'm not sure if it was broken when she started hitting him, but it was thereafter). Phillips sister, Debbie, saw this and came to her brother's rescue. She took a pool cue and rammed it up her sister-in-laws rectum (Vickie Douschbagger was dressed in a short skirt at the time) as she was bent over her husband (now heaped on the floor in a puddle of his own bile). Up until then,Vickie had been screaming at her husband about his affair with Erma Clappgiver. Ms. Clappgiver was, at that exact moment, across the room... Beating another woman in the head with a chair. Due to the amount of blood on the woman's face, I did not recognize her at first. It was later that I realized it was Vonda Lukatmytush, a first grade teacher at Buzzardbait Elementary School.

Meanwhile, Ivana Jercoff (Operations Manager of the Buzzardbait Zoo), who had just finished her turn at the mic minutes before (and who sang a pretty decent rendition of Georgie Johansen's song 'The Trouble With You Is You Suck!') was being assaulted by Emily Closoff, the wife of County Road Commissioner, Oliver Closoff. She was accusing Ms. Jercoff of having an affair with her husband. In the meantime, Oliver Closoff was being cornered by Jack Midick, who accused him of having an affair with Mrs, Midick, also known as Tangy Thunderthighs, a dancer at Big Al's Titty Emporium.

By this time, my friend and I were looking at the various fights and wondering if we should leave and not pay the bill, or just sit quietly by and have another beer while continuing to dodge pool cues, beer mugs and the occasional ash tray (that were being tossed wildly across the room). We chose to stay. Where was the fun in leaving all of this entertainment? I suggested to my friend that I'd go get us another round and I somehow managed to cross the room, reach into the beer cooler and grabbed a couple of cold Schitts beers. When I returned to my friend, she had some woman in a headlock, punching her in the face repeatedly. Needless to say, I sat in a chair and held onto her beer while I drank mine.

It wasn't thirty seconds later when I spotted Roscoe Harritung heading toward me. Apparently he saw that I was the only person not involved in the melee and came toward me with a mic stand. I suppose he was feeling left out, or thought that I was (I'm not sure which). As he approached me, I guzzled the rest of my beer and broke the bottle on the side of a nearby pool table. As I ducked the oncoming mic stand he had just swung at my head, I jammed the broken bottle into his groin. This made him drop the mic stand and grab himself (much like Michael Jackson's famous crotch grab at the Motown Awards). Only the sound coming from Mr. Harritung was not like the sound that Mr. Jackson would have made (Ohhh whooo). It was more like the sound a humpback whale makes when harpooned in the gonads (Aroooooooooo).

Seeing how my friend was now banging the woman's head against the concrete block wall, I sat back in my chair and open the second beer and enjoyed its smooth, mellow taste.

By this time, there were at least fifteen different fights taking place inside the pub and pool hall. The green felt on several of the pool tables were now covered with bodies, blood and/or vomit. I decided that I had seen enough and called 911 to complain that I couldn't play pool due to all the fighting going on. The police dispatcher told me that she'd have someone there before long. After that call, I made a call to order a pizza from Papa Fred's Pizzeria and Nail Salon, located down on 4th and Main in beautiful downtown Buzzardbait. Believe me, they have the best greasy pizza this side of Hooter Heights!

The driver was there in less than fifteen minutes and I met him at the door. Paying the delivery guy (with a dollar tip to boot), I found a nice secluded spot and ate my pepperoni and banana pepper pizza while my friend was using a pool rack to beat another woman in the head. I turned my attention then to some guy across the room (his yelling compelled me to do so). He was getting his ass kicked by two different women. One was kicking his ass for apparently vomiting on her shoes while the other woman whipped him in the head for no apparent reason.

Thirty minutes later the Buzzardbait Police finally arrived. But by this time, most of the pool hall patrons had spilled-out into the parking lot; many brandishing pool cues and billiard balls. They were fighting one another in a display of carnage not seen since the World Wrestling Corporation's (WWC) Imgwotta 'Big' Johnson bungholed Henry 'The Giant Midget' Hernandez in a cage match that ended in a draw and a same-sex marriage.

The thirty or so patrons of the pool hall were rounded-up and transported to the Buzzardbait Jail and Lawn Center to await their bail hearing. Detective Inspector of the Buzzardbait Police told me that none of the patrons involved in the melee would spend more that a day in jail before their bails would be set. “Judge Hugh Harshly will make justice move swiftly and bring much needed revenue to the city in the process!” Detective Inspector told me.

After that, I drove home and went to bed with a full belly and a buzz from the Schitts Beers. When I woke up Sunday morning, I drove to the Buzzardbait Jail and Massage Parlor, where I arranged bail for my friend and got her out of there. Since she never got to have any pizza the night before, I took her to Greasy Louie's House of Mostly Pancakes for breakfast (If you ever go there, try the triple-stack Chocolate Chip and Pancreas Pieces Pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream... Yummy!).

When my friend asked me how I came up with the bail money so fast, I told her that since Detective Inspector happened to be my neighbor, he cut me a deal on her bail. I now have to mow is lawn twice and also wax his car. Additionally, I informed her that she would not be going before the judge. Judge Hugh Harshly is also a neighbor, and he owed me a favor. A few weeks ago I told his wife that he was in a meeting when he was actually meeting some woman from Pooter Park concerning... Anyway, now we're even.

When I finally asked my friend why she had gotten into a fight in the first place, she said the woman had called her a “Farmtown Ho!” Well, I suppose that's a good enough reason.

Well, that's the story.

Oh. I almost forgot... As for Thelma Buktoof, she is being charged with inciting a riot - a felony - and will be held in Buzzardbait Jail and Lawn Center until her court case comes up sometime next June.

As for Karaoke Night at the Buzzardbait Pool Hall and Pub, well it will never be the same again.

P.S. I have just found out that 'I'll Be Stalking You!' will no longer be on the play list for karaoke night at the Buzzardbait Pool Hall and Pub.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Curious Urinal 7/5/2014 - Early Morning Edition

Buzzardbait Celebrates Independence Day with Music 

By Staff Reporter Juan Motyme

Somehow you might think that Buzzardbait wouldn’t draw major touring bands, but something strange happened yesterday, and the Buzzardbaitapalooza Concert at the Buzzardbait Fairgrounds and Mud Bog came alive on July 4th with the sound of music (not the movie).

Lousyville was to have put on this major show, but at the last minute, fresh from being told that the concert was cancelled due to budgetary problems (lack of ticket sales), the Lousyville Fairgrounds booted the bands to the curb in favor of holding an Extreme Yard-sale and Flea Market.

So, the bands and their managers and roadies were about to pull up stakes and head out of Lousyville when Ammo County Road Commissioner Oliver Closoff (who was at the Lousyville Fairgrounds on business at the time) suggested that the bands follow him to Buzzardbait. He happened to know that nothing was going on at the Buzzardbait Fairgrounds and Mud Bog on July 4th, so the bands could perform there.

So the caravan of musician, in buses, tractor-trailers, and a VW Microbus with a U-Haulit trailer indeed followed Commissioner Closoff to the Ammo County fairgrounds and set up their stages. The news spread quickly as Hadley Bradley of  WBZZ 1085 AM went on the air with the news. His afternoon drive-time show, ‘The Hadley Bradley Show " is heard by over 100 listeners daily, so the news began to travel faster.

Oliver Closoff dubbed the event  Buzzardbaitapalooza, and that really set things in motion. Schitts Beer decided to open a beer booth, and Big Dick's hot Dog Stand set up their tent, cooking dogs and brats. Even Big Al's Titty Emporium drove the Titty Wagon to the fairgrounds and offered half-price lap dances and flavored condoms.

Hundreds of local youth and a few of the curious farmers in the area flocked into the fairgrounds and found a nice spot to sit. At seven o'clock sharp, the show began. The crowd began cheering (someone mentioned free Schitts Beer and that made them cheer even louder) when Oliver Closoff stepped on stage and declared Buzzardbaitapalooza was officially beginning. "This is Independence Day here in America, so let's celebrate by starting Buzzardbaitapalooza!"

He then proceeded to introduce the first band. The opening act, Harry Derriere and the Hirsute Hound Dogs, put on a ear-bleeding 45 minute set that was full of energy. With the band playing their complete repertoire in 30 minutes, they began playing other peoples music, some of which the crowd actually had heard of before.

After their set ended and the stage reset for the next act, Oliver Closoff returned to the stage and issued the statement that Schitts Beer was going to be given away for free, but it would cost $5 for each of the tickets to obtain the free beer, limit one ticket per beer. The crowd immediately moved to the ticket window and shelled out the money for the free beer tickets. An estimated 4,500 tickets were purchased by the estimated 300 people attending the show.

As the crowd drank and began loosening up, Oliver Closoff introduced the next act. When Sammy Shagnasty and the Naked Molekats stepped up on stage, the crowd went wild. Sammy and the band, who have appeared in Buzzardbait on numerous occasions, put on their usual show. As usual, Sammy’s singing was off-key, and the band was a beat behind the drummer (who looked to be so stoned that he was propped up on the drummers throne with a broom handle). Other than that, the show was pretty much their standard fare. They played both of their hits, and most of the other songs that have filled their five CD’s (which can be found at Buzzardbait Music Store and Instrument Rentals, located at 5th and Main in downtown Buzzardbait).

Their hour long set ended on a high note as Sammy mooned the audience and declared herself the Queen of Rock 'n Roll. Then she proceeded to jump off of the stage into the crowd. Apparently the crowd wasn’t aware that they were to catch her and do the mosh pit thing. They let her drop to the ground like a brick. The good news is that she will be out of the hospital by tomorrow, but the broken bones will postpone the remainder of their North American Tour of Central Kentucky for several weeks.

Next up was a veteran rock warriors, Tarnished Plastic. Their heavy metal show was marred early on when half the light rigging dropped to the stage, crushing their keyboard player, Shorty Long. After the lights were hoisted back into place, and Shorty was checked out by the local EMT’s, the show went on. Shorty, grimacing in pain and bleeding profusely for most of the remainder of the show, managed to show off his talents at the keyboards by playing chopsticks with his nose while pulling out a piece of twisted metal from his head. Afterward, he was bandaged up and autographed the metal fragment, tossing it out to an adoring fan.

After the stage was reset, the next act was introduced. Peter Pimple and The Zits haven’t toured in several years, but are currently in the midst of a reunion tour. Peter Pimple, who is now in his late 70's, screamed out that he was ready to rock and roll. No sooner than he said that, the band woke up and began playing. The Zits, all of whom are in their mid to late 70's, managed to rock the crowd until the bass players angina began acting up. The lead guitarist, who has severe arthritis, had to stop several time during his guitar solo to take some pain meds. The drummer, who looked every bit as healthy as the rest of the band, had to stop several times during the set to go to the bathroom. Peter Pimple, who no longer has acne but his face is severely disfigured by the scarring, huffed and said that he was kind of tired and needed a nap. The fifteen minute set wrapped up when Peter Pimple and the Zits rode off the stage on their Hover-Rounds.

And that left one last act. And he is also no stranger to Buzzardbait’s music scene.

Milo Days walked on stage to the delight of the cheering crowd and proceeded to guzzle a fifth of Dingleberry Wine before playing a note. He started his set with his signature song, ‘Dat Girl has Got’s Some Fine Breastessess Blues.’ After the first song, he drank another fifth of wine. In fact, in between each song he played, he chugged another fifth of Dingleberry Wine. After his fourth song, ‘I’s be Peeping Thru da Hole in da Wall Blues’ Milo passed out. He was carried offstage and the lights went up.

Then, the unplanned fireworks show began. One of the band's buses burst into flame when a carelessly tossed firecracker caused Willy Whynott of Hooter Heights to stagger into the hot dog stand, toppling one of the cookers. It rolled several feet and then came in contact with a conveniently places gas can. The bus, with all of roadies safely away from it, burst into flames and caught the marijuana inside to burn. The aftereffect of marijuana smoke caused a near riot at the hot dog stand, as many of the patrons suddenly needed to eat. Big Dick's Hot Dogs saved the day, selling out within 10 minutes. Also, several cases of chips, and all of the super dill pickles on a stick were bought up as well.

Patty Tooshy, spokeswoman for the Schitts Beer tent, said that they went through 37 kegs of beer, so that was a good night for them.

And with that, Buzzardbaitapalooza ended. Oliver Closoff, who made it all possible, was said to be thinking about retiring from the County Road Commissioner post and going into concert promotions. After witnessing this wonderful show, he may have a future in it too!

Happy Independence Day! 

This Holiday Edition of The Curious Urinal was brought to you by:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Curious Urinal - Wednesday, 6/25/14
EPA E-mail:  Stop defecating in hallways.
By Staff Reporter Juan Motyme

From The Truth Is Stranger Than Fact Department:
In the vast hallways of power all over our great nation, you'd likely see politicians politicking, political aides aiding, IRS people destroying e-mails and hard drives, and others doing their best to look busy. But what you wouldn't expect is seeing someone taking a dump in the hallways.

Well, it has come to our attention that there are those individuals working in government that like to get their freak on and defecate in the hallways at the EPA.

The Curious Urinal received a report that EPA Management for Region 8 in Denver, Colorado apparently wrote an email, which was sent out earlier this year to all staff in the area. The e-mail essentially begged those folks to stop defecating in the hallway.  Also, the EPA managers were forced to consult certain 'experts' on “workplace violence.” Those expert told them that feces in the hallway constitutes a health hazard. Ya think? Depending on what was eaten, the bio-hazard alone could be deadly.Just imagine refried beans and Sliders... Yuck!

But what about this Workplace violence? What were they doing? Were they tossing poo at other employees in the hallways in Colorado? Were they having turd wars? Talk about the sh*t hitting the fan!

In the email, which was obtained by The Curious Urinal, Hung Chow, the EPA's Deputy Regional Administrator, mentioned “several incidents” in the building; these incidents included clogging the toilets with paper towels and “an individual placing feces in the hallway” outside of a restroom.
Sounds like a normal day in Buzzardbait High School, not in an EPA office.

The EPA spokesman, Fred "Red' Crapper, gave the following statement:
“Although we cannot comment on this incident, rest assured that we will continue to feed you a load of sh*t and regulate the crap out of you in the process. You have our promise there."
Hmm? Do you think that maybe our tax dollars are being wasted here?

Speaking with Ammo County Judge Harry "Hang 'em" Knuckles about this incident, he stated, "What we have here is failure to administer the government. We have elected a bunch of morons, who in turn appoint a bunch of morons, who in turn hire a bunch of morons, and all of them act like... Well, Morons!" He then added, "And our tax dollars are being flushed down the proverbial toilet in the process!"

Ammo County Judge Harry Knuckles 

But a local expert on poo gave us a clearer picture of this incident. Stinky, The Feces-throwing Monkey, who was sitting in his Laz-E-Ape recliner, sipping a banana daiquiri, gave the following statement: 

"It is humbling to know that I'm not the only one who enjoys pinching a loaf and flinging it at someone. But they should have consulted with me prior to this incident. I could have shown them the proper way of tossing poo."

This edition of the Curious Urinal was brought to you by:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Poo-tossing mayor caught in the act

The doggie-doo has gotten too deep for San Marino Mayor Dennis Kneier (kuh-NEER') the mayor of the wealthy Los Angeles suburb. Kneier was caught 'brown-handed' flinging dog poo onto a political opponent's property.
Residents have cried out for his resignation, saying he has smeared their image.

Speaking with Stinky, the Feces-throwing Monkey about the incident in Californication, Stinky wasn't a bit surprised. "Honestly, if he had come to me, I could have shown him how to toss the poo without being caught by surveillance cameras. Tossing poo is kind of what I'm famous for, and I can teach anyone the proper technique... for a nominal fee, that is."
Stinky, who was sitting back enjoying a banana daiquiri, added, "This is what irks me about politicians; all the mud-slinging has now turned to poo-slinging, and that infringes upon my territory. I need to speak with my attorney to see if I can file charges for copyright infringement."

  Stinky, the Feces-throwing Monkey, relaxing on the set of 'Monkey: Impossible.'

This Edition of The Curious Urinal has been brought to you by: